Having fun with failure

Not a lot to report on this day. Matt and I had to make a trek through our first dose of precipitous weather on the way to work. After work we found a 100 Yen store right next to our house. Needless to say, we stocked up on all sorts to essentials we had previously deemed "non-essential" at normal stores.

For the most part today was standard which is itself becoming increasingly standard. I'm getting used to not being able to understand 90% of the written and spoken word. It is quite interesting how Matt and I live in our small English speaking world with our computers, music, shows, and skype. It is easy to forget that we are in a foreign country.

For dinner we decided to go grab some sushi since we hadn't had any yet (whaa?!). Unfortunately we went to the Del Taco equivalent of a sushi restaurant. It's kind of cool that the menus items pass by you on a conveyor belt-type device. Cool, that is, until you realize that the same dish of raw fish has been passing by you for 30 minutes at room temperature. Hmmmm....it was a great learning experience though. Below are a couple pics.

The food track shuttling some drinks by us.

I call this one "How long has that been at room temp?"

Following dinner we stopped off at one of the bars a stones throw away from our apartments. Its a really small, intimate environment where you take off your shoes at the door and sit on the ground. I ended up ordering a borderline NA beer that you mix with like 2 shots of sake. It was really good, but not at all what I expected. I did you a solid by including the following explanation via my new best friend I named "PPB" or the party polar bear.

Another slick move I made was to order some fried tofu (safe enough, ride?) Well, Matt and I drew the attention of the chef when we started ruining his masterpiece by putting the wrong type of sauce on it. I knew it was bad when I saw him talking to our server and pointing at us. I thought to myself "crap, what did I do?" Before we were able to take our second bite, he was quickly at our table giving us a tutorial on how to eat it. It sounds worse than it was, he was very nice about it and not mad at all...I'm just trying to be dramatic.


2 Response to "Having fun with failure"

  1. Doug and Amanda Says:

    I love the conveyor belt of death! Ha ha so much for regulations...

  2. Unknown Says:

    What is the exchange rate from US dollar to Yen

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